In order to treat lingual dysfunctions, care by trained health professionals is essential. Here’s how to do it.

Screening can be carried out by different health professionals, but the diagnosis must be made specifically according to the disorder.

For breathing disorders, it is the doctor who will be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment. For dental problems, it is necessary to contact a dental surgeon.

The oral maxillofacial physiotherapist or the speech therapist can also carry out very complete check-ups and refer patients to specialised health professionals for functional management.

As the TRP is a custom-made oral medical device, the intervention of a dental surgeon is necessary for the taking of impressions, the installation of the device and its adjustments.

Lingual reeducation, and swallowing, is initiated and monitored by speech therapists, physiotherapists, and other specialists in oral-maxillofacial reeducation.

Finally, professional dieticians and nutritionists can accompany the patient in defining and achieving objectives to regulate weight and improve cardiovascular health. Sports coaches can also be called upon, independently or in parallel, to propose specific programmes and achieve these objectives.


Patient journey

In order to ensure optimal efficacy, TRP treatment should be implemented and monitored by healthcare professionals trained by Tongue Lab.

Here are the different patient paths according to symptoms and pathologies.



Qui consulter? : parcours patient de rééducation linguale en fonction des troubles.
Who to consult? : patient path of lingual reeducation according to the disorders.

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